Here's a thought: how would life be without stupid people?

For example, today. I was driving home with my husband. At one point this guy with a Peugeot overtakes me and carries on driving quite slowly. Naturally, I overtake him. Of course, he hits the throttle (making it a bit more difficult for me). Anyway, I succeed and drive off not quite into the sunset. We reach our destination, I change lanes and slow down, the Puegeot guy catches up, grins at me and gives me the finger :))
Then, there's this chick whom I think doesn't really have a life, and who keeps contradicting me when it comes to English language. I'm an English trainer. She's a student.
Then, there's people coming into our office asking if we sell tram tickets. Tram tickets?! We're a language school... And it says so on the HUGE banner we have outside.
And yeah, I did need a place to vent. But still, if I promise to always truly cherish intelligent people, could I just catch a glimpse of life without stupidity? One day would suffice (for now).